Guilty Pleas
DiFava, R., Bettens, T., Wilford, M., & Redlich, A.D. (in press). Confession evidence results in more guilty pleas than eyewitness evidence. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Catlin, M., Luna, S., & Redlich, A.D. (2024). Plea bargaining: Understanding the decision-making processes of plea negotiation. In M. Miller, L. Yelderman, M. Huss, & J. Cantone (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of the psychology of legal decision- making. Cambridge University Press.
Redlich, A.D., Wilford, M., Berger, N., & Dipano, M. (2023). Commonalities in false guilty plea cases. Psychology. Crime, and Law.
Henderson, K., Fountain, E., Redlich, A.D., & Cantone, J. (2022). Judicial involvement in plea bargaining. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 28, 356-373.
Luna, S. (2022). Defining coercion: An application in interrogation and plea negotiation contexts. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Redlich, A. D., Zottoli, T., Dezember, A., Schneider, R., Catlin, M., & Shammi, S. (2022). Emerging issues in the psycho-legal study of guilty pleas. In D. DeMatteo & K. Scherr (Eds.), The oxford handbook of psychology and law. Oxford University Press.
Dezember, A., Luna, S., Woestehoff, S., Stoltz, M., Manley, M., Quas, J.A, & Redlich, A.D. (2021). Plea validity in circuit court: Judicial colloquies in misdemeanor vs. felony charges. Psychology, Crime, & Law.
Henderson, K., Fountain, E., Redlich, A.D., & Cantone, J. (2021). Judicial involvement in plea bargaining. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Petersen, K., Redlich, A.D., & Norris, R. (2021). Diverging from the shadows: Explaining individual deviation from plea bargaining in the “Shadow of Trial.” Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Luna, S. & Redlich, A.D. (2021). Unintelligent decision-making? The impact of discovery on defendant plea decisions. Wrongful Conviction Law Review.
Luna, S. & Redlich, A.D. (2020). The decision to provide discovery: An examination of policies and guilty pleas. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Interrogations and Confessions
Bettens, T., Cleary, H. D., & Bull, R. (In press). Humane interrogation strategies are associated with confessions, cooperation, and disclosure: Evidence from a field study of U.S. suspects. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Bettens, T., & Normile., C. (2023). Concerns and recommendations regarding the training of school administrators in interrogating students. Psychology, Crime & Law. Advanced online publication.
Bettens, T., & Warren, A. R. (2023). Juveniles and adults differ in their beliefs about cues to deception and strategies during a hypothetical police interview. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37, 96-110.
Alceste, F., Luke, T., Redlich, A.D., Amrom, A., Hellgren, J., & Kassin, S.M. (2021). The psychology of confessions: A comparison of expert and lay opinions. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35.
Snook, B., Fallon, L., Barron, W. T., Kassin, S., Kleinman, S., Leo, R.A., Meissner, C., Morello, L., Nirider, L., Redlich, & Trainer, J.L. (2021). Urgent issues and prospects in reforming interrogation practices in the United States and Canada. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 26, 1-24.
Redlich, A.D., Nirider, L., & Shteynberg, R. (2020). Pragmatic implication in the interrogation room: A comparison of juveniles
and adults. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 16, 555-564.
Rezmer, B., Trager, L., Catlin, M., & Poole, D. A. (2020). Pause for effect: A 10-Second interview wait time give children time to respond to open-ended prompts. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 194, 104824.
Wrongful Convictions and Exonerees
Bettens, T., & Redlich, A.D. (in press). The effects of confessions on misconduct and guilty pleas in exonerations: Implications for discovery policy. Criminology and Public Policy.
Berube, R., Wilford, M., Redlich, A.D., & Wang, Y. (2023). Identifying patterns across the six canonical factors underlying wrongful convictions. Wrongful Conviction Law Review, 3, 166-195.
Faison, L., Smalarz, L., Madon, S. & Clow, K. (2023). The stigma of wrongful conviction differs for White and Black exonerees. Law and Human Behavior, 47, 137–152.
Faison, L., & Smalarz, L. (2020). Perceptions of exonerees: A review of the psychological science. Albany Law Review, 83, 1021- 1058.
Kieckhaefer, J. M., & Luna, S. (2022). Can you put a price on 14 years of life? Examining predictors of monetary compensation for exonerees. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Norris, R. J., Acker, J.A., Bonventre, C., & Redlich, A.D. (2020). Thirty years of innocence: Wrongful convictions and exonerations in the United States, 1989-2018. The Wrongful Conviction Law Review, 1, 2-58.
Scherr, K., Redlich, A.D., & Kassin, S.M. (2020). Cumulative disadvantage: The compounding effect of innocents’ decision- making from interrogations to the courtroom. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 353-383.
Other Recent Publications
Catlin, M., Pigott, D., Scherr, K. C., & Vallano, J. P. (2023). Schematic expectations influence mock jurors’ sexual violence case fact recognition. Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37, 558-568.
Catlin, M., & Scherr, K. C. (2021). The deleterious effect of victimization on just-world beliefs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, NP16013–NP16036.
Luna, S. & Redlich, A.D. (2020). A national survey of Veterans Treatment Court actors. Criminal Justice Policy Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11292-019-09403-z